Festival Theatre

Went to see The Hobbit at the Festival Theatre tonight. Not really my kind of thing, never read Tolkien, never had desire to. Even as a child I hated this kind of stuff but the mum of a friend of J's from school had won a family ticket and asked if me and J would like to go with them. I thought J might like it despite being a bit young and the tickets were free.

Got told off for just holding my camera as I went into the auditorium. "if you insist on taking pictures of the stage, then you'll have your camera confiscated".

Take a chill pill!!

Then the boys rustled their sweet packets, slurped juice, squeaked their seats, jumped and exclaimed at the scary noisy bits and the woman in front of us turned and mouthed "shut up!" at us. Now I was kind of with her in a way as I hate noisy eating etc if I go to the cinema/theatre but the place was full of kids making similar noises. Ahh well...whatever, too tired now to care and I've had to endure Hobbity stuff for what felt like (an imagined) flight to Australia. Going to bed.

Interval picture.....nothing special.....as you can see......if you're even looking, whoever you are.

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