A Moonless Night

By amoonlessnight


This picture sort of represents how I felt over my break.

I spent 4 days doing the following: boxing up/throwing out my great grandfathers stuff (he moved from FL to NY), going through old pictures, not sleeping, and going on 4 different plane rides (too many connecting flights =/)

Good things that came out of this trip: I got to spend so much time with my mom =) , I got to learn a lot about my great grandparents, I got to do a lot of traveling, I got a little tan, and I am no longer terribly scared of planes-as I once was.

This picture is of the room after it was all empty, and this is sorta how it made me feel that it was empty--since i'll no longer be able to stay at the house =/

This is a backblip, mainly since I haven't had much time to upload-especially over break. I've still been doing lots of picture taking though!

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