Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


Today Toby met his cousins Luca and Orla for the first time and we got to meet our beautiful niece for the first time too. Our tiny house was a bit chaotic with 2 babies and a toddler plus their toys and equipment (my sis does not travel light!) and sadly this was the best photo I managed to get of the three of them together :0( As you can see Toby slept through most of it! He's so tiny compared to Orla but there is only a couple of months between them!

Had a really bad night sleep-wise last night so feeling really frazzled today. Didn't managed to get more than an hour and a half in one stretch and Toby was feeding for over an hour each time. Red rag to a bull when Mr EG told me how tired he was this morning!!

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