Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

Evening Storm

It was extremely hot today, could barely stand to be outdoors. I drank the first Slurpee I've had in forty years and developed a "head rush". Whenever I took the camera out of the house, the lens would fog up due to condensation. In the evening on the Sound we heard a slowly approaching storm. I left for shelter after taking this shot in order to not be struck by lightning. All night the lightning flashed in the distance. Once or twice parts of the storm passed over the house shaking and rumbling. One large bolt struck the back yard about 2 am. A. stayed up watching cartoon network stating he couldn't sleep. It reminded me of when I was about four years old and was trying to fall asleep during a violent evening storm at Fairhaven (on the Chesapeake Bay). My mother came in and assured me there was nothing to be afraid of, that the storm was natures' way of watering the Earth. I've always loved storms ever since.

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