Barriers - No jumping
I was slightly reluctant to venture up the Scotsman steps even though from the outside I could see that the bars over the openings might make a good photo for this series. It always smells of piss like the worst public toilet. Or at least it did. Maybe the journalists moving out and the Scotsman offices being turned into a swanky hotel means that somebody now cleans it.
Whatever, it still has the interior of a Victorian bog, with some nice running dampness and rubbish to make it feel authentically grubby. The window bars are quite ornate and they have an extra covering of chicken wire-type stuff to stop rubbish being deposited on passers by. You can't really see the wire here because it all got washed away with the light streaming through. As has the Balmoral in the background.
Must go and read how I could have avoided that.
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