A thousand new paths

By acc

In the frame

This is a picture of my brother, sister and me (I'm on the right). I have blipped this because G made this frame at his frame making course and brought it home last night. He cut the wood, sanded and stained it, cut the glass and put on the back. I think it's fab. Sadly, the college will stop running the frame making course this year but the lecturer is teaching elsewhere and I suspect G will go there instead to keep it up.

I had a funny morning. I got up extra early so that I could get into work in time to buy Stevie Wonder tickets, only to find out they go on sale tomorrow not today! And then there was some bus rage on my bus on the way in, a cyclist got on and started shouting at the driver and banging the partition. Not pleasant.
The new boss popped in to introduce herself which was good. And, very excitingly, I found out that Earth, Wind and Fire are doing the O2 in July. Stevie Wonder, Jamiroquai, Earth, Wind and Fire, Level 42, Larry Graham, Sunburst Band, Roy Ayers - it's another funky year in London.

The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers. Erich Fromm

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