
<somehow my entry was toasted earlier tonight - thank goodness for undo in word ...>

I spent all my day getting updates. As blipped last night, our hosting company had issues, that persisted until 3pm this afternoon, from 7.30pm yesterday. Bugger, not sure how that's going to play out for them in terms of liability ...

So, we spent most of our day dealing with client enquiries, as you do, "When will our web site be up?". When the problem is fixed.

Then I came home and am updating a donated computer. Mrs PS is heading to Samoa for a week tomorrow to help a school levelled by the tsunami last year. She's taking across a bunch of stuff, including computers.

Oh, be nice to be heading to a tropical island tomorrow. I am thinking of trading the time for a week's skiing in Japan in January, as you do ... ;-)

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