...thru my eye

By CapturedLight

Life is Precious

My hubby and I were on our way to the Rosecrans Military cementary, when we got there it was closed. My hubby was bummed. We ended up at Mt. Soledad got a couple of shots, then called it a night.

We were on our way home, when we almost got run off the road by an SUV. It happened so fast. The car was swerving all over the road. We called 911 to report a drunk driver when the vehicle swerved into the guard rail, then flew off the overpass into a smaller pickup (plowing it into a pole). The SUV ended up upside-down, it was not a pretty scene.

These are the kinds of things that make you appreciate what you have in your life, made me think about how much I love my husband. God definitly was watching out for us, this could have turned out so much worse for us. God is good, today is precious, and we need to appreciate what we have.

Be blessed everyone as you go on with the rest of your day.

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