Mother - Pink Floyd

Another day at work feeling rubbish. I ended up getting an emergency appointment at the doctors after work as my antibiotics were due to run out tomorrow and going by the intense stabbing pain in my ear the infection was nowhere near cleared up.

I was also a bit concerned that, with teh amount of pain involved, my eardrum might be perforated in which case the drops would be a very bad idea. Thankfully the doctor confirmed that the drum wasn't perforated and in fact was looking much better. The infection in the ear canal however was still looking really bad so he gave me another weeks course of stronger antibiotics, advised meto continue with the drops and prescribed some really strong co-codamol for the pain.

On a brighter note my mum is on holiday for the week and arrived from Lincolnshire this evening. Good news even if I was feeling rough and a bit dazed from the pain killers.

Here's today's song.

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