
By diaspora

Wild flowers

Here is a good game for blippers. Go for a walk in the country sometime between spring and autumn when there are wild flowers blooming and there is a stiff and gusty breeze. Take a large black dog with you. Try to find a wild flower with tiny bright petals that's no more than 18 inches tall. Preferably, select a wild flower with very long, thin spindly stems.

Ensure you have selected the widest aperture possible on your camera, preferably with a very shallow depth of field. Lay prostrate in front of the selected wild flower about six inches or so from the subject (lens allowing) then - as the flowers blow back and forward in the wind (which will now be gusting every few seconds) try to catch at least one of the flowers in focus. Ignore the large black dog which occasionally insists on licking your ears (or sitting on the flowers). Continue until satisfied or too irritated to go on.

Return home. Spend far too long staring at shots that all begin to look the same...then blip!

(actually I just noticed that I cheated, the aperture on this one was 2.8 and the GF1's widest is 1.7...ah well)

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