through kirnik eyes

By kirnik


Today we went for an family excursion to Dephi. We visited the museum and the archaeological site. I feel so nice every time I have the occasion to visit this area. It may be that my family roots are from this particular part of Greece, Fokis is called.

Ancient Greeks believed that Delphi was the centre of the world. According to their mythology, Zeus sent out from Olympus mountain two eagles in opposite directions. The two birds met above Delphi.

I was the family guide. So, during the past days, I had to spent a few hours reading because I had to refresh my memory. Thank God I did not have so many questions from my ... audience. Mission accomplished :).

And something else I would like to mention here. The museum is modern now. Last time I have visited it was 10-15 years ago. They did a great job.

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