All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Leia but no Obi

We received a call very late last night to say that Obi had been hit by a car and had been brought up to them. He was alive, but in a bad way and the first 12 hours were crucial as the shock alone could kill him.

We have been up to visit him today and have also had several phone updates. His face appears to have come off worst and is a right mess. They're not sure yet if he has lost the sight in one or both eyes but one in particular does look badly damaged. He's too poorly for them to X-ray for internal damage but there are no obvious injuries to his body. However he could well be brain damaged and if he pulls through this, only time will tell.

Poor Leia is lost without her brother and is being even more cuddly than usual.

One of the breastfeeding peer support volunteers came round earlier for a few hours to help Ethan & I some more with feeding as we find afternoons and evenings harder going than mornings. Leia even took the opportunity to curl up on her lap too!

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