Gable Erratic

By MsGable


Today I wondered, after my disappointing photography on Thursday, whether I had fiddled with my camera too much; so I put it back to its factory settings.
I then remembered the tripod I had bought for a pound in a charity shop some years ago and thought I'd have a play. This is the result and I think I can see an improvement. Or am I just kidding myself?

i also went for a wander and came back with several possible blips, but missed the one I would have certainly used. I met a couple on a tandem with a large pet carrier on a trailer at the back. The terrier ran alongside them across the moors on their bike ride, but was then shut in the carrier for the road sections. Of course when I went back to blip the ingenious contraption it had been dismantled and packed up. Never wait to blip tomorrow what you can blip today!

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