With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Sugar coated everything

Maybe I was a little hasty in my euphoria yesterday and maybe I overdid it a little, but I was mobile enough to get to Festival park in Marratxi so the boys could go to the cinema with Big Agu and Mrs pepperpot. I wandered aimlessly amidst the candle stalls and bought myself a new game for the wii. (Safecracker) That kept me quiet after the others had gone to bed.

The weather is finally as it should be and the skies turned a ludicrous pink over the lights, amusements and sugar filled stalls. These are churros, a bit like long doughnuts, filled with cream or chocolate or just laden with sugar. Eaten dunked in thick hot chocolate if that's your thing. I've only done it once when we'd been to a verbena (music fiesta at night, and I mean at night 'til 6am). I'm not going to be doing that again for a while.

Back to my tablets, sugar coated of course :)

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