Status Quo
No, not the aged rockers, but my weight.
I did once see Quo in concert, but only by accident. I'd actually gone to see Queen, and Quo were supporting them. They were good fun, as it happens. (Coincidentally, Mr B was at the same gig, probably about 10 yards in front of me on the pitch at St James's Park. But it was 2 years and a few months before we were to actually meet. Good job really - don't think he would have fancied me much at 16.)
Anyway, a happy digression from the weight loss issue. Or, this week, non-loss issue. Still, I had expected far worse given the the total lack of healthy food or exercise (an asthmatic child with a bad cough kept me indoors most of last week). I will probably miss a couple of weigh ins now - next Monday I'll be in France and the Monday after in Northumberland.
Lovely outing planned tomorrow to have lunch with a blipfriend. Tough time explaining that one to my mum:
"So who are you having lunch with? Is it someone you met through school?"
"No, I've never actually met her before"
"But I've met her husband"
"Actually I met them both on the internet".
Just wasn't helping really. <Sigh> no-one understands me. Oh, 'cept you lot.
EDIT: Gosh aren't my toes lumpy today? And I guess the quick nail varnish patch up could have done with some photoshopping... I have chopped my little toes off this one though since certain people, who shouldn't really be casting aspersions in the toe department, thought they looked weird.
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