Colin Parte

By ColinParte


I like to think that originally, back in the late 1700s or early 1800s, the workmen who built this building in Drogheda Port would have gone home at the end of their working days pleased with their legacy. How many of us can say that something we might do today will still be evident to those alive in 2210? I imagine also, that perhaps 50-100 years after the original building went up, that those men involved in patching up and making repairs to this edifice, were satisfied with what they had achieved.
These old buildings, while not much to look at, are time capsules of a sort. The man who placed some of the original mortar between these stones would have been a contemporary of Napoleon Bonaparte, and perhaps the later repairmen would be reading in their newspapers of the Boer Wars.
I recently watched The History Boys, the strapline of which was "History. It's Just One Thing After Another." Not for me, it's fascinating to think of what life these bricks and stones have "seen".
History - it's all around us!

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