A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


I had this blossom in mind for a blip 2 weeks ago. March 17 2007 was the day we first viewed the house we now live in. I had done a reccy the day before as I was in the area doing some other viewings but we had to wait until the day after until ours was officially on the market. We didn't know the area at all well and this was the first time I had walked down the street. The house offered many compelling reasons to be bought. And, of course, it would be foolish to buy a house on the strength of the style of streetlamp outside and because the house opposite has beautiful blossom for about two weeks of every year. Nevertheless, I always remember the blossom and how pretty it made the street look. This year it is, like everything else, a little late arriving. And today there is no option other than shooting it in the rain. Well, there was a five minute window of sunshine earlier but I missed it. The way the weather is at the moment if I wait for the next sunny moment the blossom may well be gone.

A nervous few hours this morning as I prepped for a new client pitch. Usual stuff for me - head very rational, body all over the place. Still, the call went incredibly well and I got the gig so big hurrah. Headed out to lunch to celebrate and opportunistically called to see if one of my neighbours was free to join me. Happily she was and a very pleasant lunch was had by all.

A few more hours work, swim and rehearsal will take care of the rest of the day and evening. I've not been sleeping well the last couple of nights and I suspect it was the call this morning so hopefully a positive outcome from that and a good swim will aid a more restful night.

Lesley x

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