Gable Erratic

By MsGable


Well no, I don't necessarily feel good afterwards, a bit tired; but I do in my soul.

They had organised the session for twelve beds, but due to staff shortages they could only operate nine beds. Big backlog of us who had booked on the new appointments system, and some of whom who had other commitments and could not wait any longer. I was lucky in that I only work round the corner and luckily they owe me a lot of time, and the boss is a platelets donor so knows even more what it's all about. It was a long session but after shutting out the screams from the donors before me and avoid the fainting bodies I managed to concentrate on my book, and by the time I got back to work it was just about time to go home. And with a packet of Bourbon biscuits in my handbag!

I have now had liver, bacon, and onions for dinner, and with a glass or two of red wine feel back to my "normal" functional self.

It doesn't hurt, honest. If there is anyone out there thinking about doing it - PLEASE GO!!!

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