a town called E.

By Eej

In yo' face!

Something happened at work yesterday that left me frazzled and not very eager to get back to it today. Everything was solved though and the Beloved brought me an icecream cone while I was there. Quick turnaround of the day :)

It was so nice outside when I got home I sat on the grass for a while, with the Bibi curled up next to me, purring. I watched a squirrel have a snack in a tree close-by.
Then, I let Harley outside so she can get used to being outdoors again (but supervised) and she proceeded to eat everything in sight.

We sometimes joke around, saying she's the reincarnation of Jeremiah (who passed away in 2009, three months before Harley adopted us) but it's scary how they are alike.
Jeremiah, in my opinion, was born thinking she was a goat. There was nothing green she wouldn't eat, inside or out. Except cat grass, which I would buy on occasion to see if that would help keep my flowers alive. It didn't.
She also defied the popular theory about cats eating grass because of hairballs, as she never did that either.
Harley does though :/

To prevent further damage I swiftly picked her up, my lavender/iris/grass eater, and brought her back inside where she proceeded to be extra cute.

Presenting exhibit A:

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