User Manual not included

I pass this and its identical companion six times a week when walking to and from cardiac rehab, but I still don't know if you're meant to sit on the crests of the waves or in the troughs.

I've tried both, and have established a personal preference for sitting on a higher rather than a lower point. I don't know if my preference is in line with the designer's intention, though, and it would be nice to watch others use these sit-upons to see which they opt for. I wonder if the fact that I've yet to see anyone else sit on one means that others don't realise that they are for sitting on, or that I've got the whole thing wrong and they're just for show or are intended for something totally different.

Hmmmmmm, it's a tricky one ...

p.s. It was nice to welcome back the sun today, even if there was still a bitingly cold wind.

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