Love Actually

Mom, Cat, and I had a wonderful day in Houston. A late lunch and margaritas at El Tiempo (Mango, por favor) and then a little shopping. Coincidentally, I was looking for shoes to wear to Steph's wedding.. when we arrived back home, there was the invitation to my parents! (They are so happy to be invited, Steph.. Mom is for sure coming, Dad has surgery on Monday mornings so he probably won't be able to make it. But we'll send in their RSVP.)
I found the shoes - my bridesmaid outfit is complete!

And now.. a word from mumford and sons about love in honor of the beautiful bride and her handsome groom*...

Love it will not betray you, dismay or enslave you
It will set you free..

*Sorry for cutting your face off in this one, Justin. Oh, and when my mom saw the picture of you two she asked, "Oh! Is Justin a redhead? He looks like a redhead, how sweet!"
(I only took one photo today and this is it.)
Houston again tomorrow! This time for some Antill-sister-bonding-time on the town.

One year ago today photo: BEST FORTUNE COOKIE EVER. check it out and prepare to be amazed.

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