Dutch Skies

By RonBuist

The uninvited guest

I'm the face you hoped you'd never see
But always knew you would
I'm the one thing you knew you shouldn't do
But did because you could
I'm the one who knows what scares you
I'm the who loves you best
I'm the thirteenth at the table
I'm the uninvited guest
I'm the Banquo at your banquet
I'm the cuckoo in your nest
I'm your fifteen-stone first-footer
I'm the uninvited guest
Let me in!


Love the band, love this song. I tried to create a bit of the atmosphere of the video clip. Don't know if I succeeded, but I had fun creating this shot. No tricks this time; just a long exposure and a tiny led light. Never liked doing self portraits much, but here's three in one shot :-)

I sure feel a lot better today. Four days off now; I know I will enjoy it. Hope you will too!

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