
By waterliefje

Once uppon a time....

When I was younger I ride horses......a long, long time....
At one time the past is the past and you can't do everything you want to do....
Horses are still my favorite ... I think that "horese" love will never die....

I gaze into the eyes of my partner,
and smile.
I gaze into the crowd,
and straighten up.
The smell of horses and sweat is in the air.
Tension, excitement and agony is in my heart.
It's time, it's time to move.
I take my spot.
My heart's racing.
All I can think is breathe slowly, relax and keep smiling.
I glance at the first jump as I move towards it, cleared.
Then the second, the third, I clear them all,
but there is one left.
A lifetime passes as I move toward the jump.
I'm at it, over, boom,the hooves hit the ground like thunder.
The crowd cheers.
I hear the announcer say "perfect run".
My heart is light and free.
All I can do is smile.

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