
By superrstine

Let's go fly a kite

up to the highest height..

Today was a busy day, so I didn't get to enjoy the sun much. I took this picture on my way back from class. A few boys were flying a kite on the campus green.

I drove home for a 4 day weekend and Easter and hit a bunch of traffic, but then I got to see my best friend and a bunch of other people!

A bunch of good things happened today:
1) the sun came out
2) my math professor congratulated me on my latest test grade
3) my other math professor from last year stopped to have a conversation with me (so he doesn't hate me after all hehe)
4) my computer science professor helped me with my hw and told me a bunch of stories...she's adorable
5) i got a text message that made me happy
6) we are now on a small break
7) i got to wear my cowboy hat
8) and my new boots and my new cardigan!

I'd say today was successful...even if this blip wasn't too successful.

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