Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

shadows (abstract)

E is off at practice, they're doing intervals, after which the team will climb "Ol' Rag".
Z man is off to see William and Mary College with A.

I'm staying home with the younger kinder while Dr P cures the ill animals.

I offered a bicycle ride but L's knee is throbbing and has a feculent scum at the site of this weekend's abrasion. Hail the invention of antibiotics!

Speaking of antibiotics, I read the book about Teddy Roosevelt and The River of Doubt. He became deathly ill both from malaria and from a severe wound infection which I suspect caused osteomyelitis and endocarditis. This was before the invention of penicillin and at the time treatment for infection was surgical. He died just a few years after the expedition probably due to long term complications.

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