New Roof

We had a very productive day today. Both of us had the day off (not an automatic thing in Scotland) and woke up reasonably early, then remembered it was the garden wheelie collection day - Mr T threw some clothes on and dashed out in time to get our 2 full bins emptied.

Then we had breakfast - shared 2 eggs, scrambled, with toast. It's after 4.30pm now and we're still not hungry - why? they were goose eggs! Very nice but I don't think we'll get them again they were so rich.

The garden hut has been leaking and needed a new roof, so Mr T did most of that while I chopped up another huge pile of garden cuttings and refilled the 2 garden wheelies ready for the next uplift in 2 weeks' time.

Now we are off to the pub for some German beer!

Backblipped for Wednesday and Thursday.

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