
By dieseldaisy

The Black Prince

J's mum has moved house and so we have been receiving things which have been around in his family. family heirlooms are unfamiliar on my side of the family so it has been interesting. We have been given (kind of in the spirit of 'I've had in for forty years - here you take it now') a Victorian silk wedding dress (with bustle and creepy white fur accessories) two silk parasols and many white cotton sheets.

This is however is the Black Prince and is a toy which would give Mattel executives screaming nightmares. It is a live steam train. You fill it with water and then light a meths burner underneath it and then twiddle things and it chufs along. It would probably be worth some money if J hadn't stripped all the paint off it when he was small.

The Victorian wedding dress doesn't fit on the mantle piece quite so well. Any suggestions...

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