Kath's Labyrinth

By kathslabyrinth

Good Friday?

No sleep due to toothache - take pain killers.

Go to dental hospital only to be told to phone for appointment. Name put on list, they will phone back.

Sit in park and read - get cold - go buy more pain killers.

Find cafe - drink tea - do more uni work - get phone call - can't be seen till evening - take pain killers.

Go to see Aunt Kit - blether lots.

Have lunch with Dad - blether more.

Go home and sleep for an hour.

Go to dental hospital - no pain killers - wait one hour to be seen - try not to drool.


Abscess drained - while listening to 1980's disco music - it took the edge off!

Home - soup - pain killers and antibiotics - blip - bed.

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