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Change of Plans

Best laid plans...sometimes get changed at the last minute...and still the day gets enjoyed. Today I was to drive and meet a dear friend for coffee and a long overdue chat, but the weather caused us to do a last minute cancellation this morning...which from the nasty wind and rain that we have had today, was for the best for sure! At least we had a nice chat on the phone!

So, with the change, I stuck much closer to home today, getting things done around here and then venturing only out to our little town to visit the post office, library and buy some milk before venturing down one of the many roads near me to see what I could capture as my blip for the day. The road eventually turned to gravel which caused me to not venture all the way down, but I was still able to get a nice photo for the day.

I like the color, the multiple materials used in construction, and the fact that you can see the rain coming down...all adds to the fun of the day.

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