Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Hmmm - should I or shouldn't I?

I'm just wondering if it would be really bad luck breaking into my Easter Egg before tomorrow, or not. I'm hoping not!

Not much been happening here today. Kerrsdaddy has not been feeling well for the past few days, and spent most of last night in the bathroom. He stayed home all day today while I took Kerr to Ikea (madness, why did I go on a Saturday afternoon?!) and then to visit his Granny and Grandad.

I also picked up my work scales from my mum and dad's house today, as Kerrsdaddy is looking like he has lost a lot of weight in the past week or so. So we both hopped on the scales - kerrsdaddy has lost almost a stone (yikes!), so it's a trip to the GP for him on Tuesday if he has not started eating better (and keeping it all in). There are a lot of viral bugs going around so I'm presuming that's what he has.
And I am back to my pre pregnancy weight, yay! Shame about the jelly belly though :-(. Think I better get back to the gym asap.

Another thing which happened today is that I think Kerr may be trying to say 'Mama'. I'm probably just imagining it, (as I think he is probably far too young) but kerrsdaddy thought he heard it too, and it was at appropriate times - i almost cried when I heard it! I was putting him down for a nap this morning, and when I left his room he was crying a bit and sounded like he was shouting mama mama mama. He was then doing it again when he woke from his nap and was waiting for us to go in and get him up. Am I just being silly, or is this around the time when babies start to make sense with their babbling? He is almost 7 months.

I'm away to probably break into my Easter Egg, and definitely watch 'Over the Rainbow' with Fudge. Have a great Easter weekend everyone :-)

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