Lyn's Things

By Abzquine


I have the flat all to myself. Its a rare treat. Hubby is out at a gig with his brother and the night out I had hoped would happen with someone from my work has been postponed for now at least. So I find myself able to watch anything I like (which is very little tonight) and open a bottle of wine and have a little chocolate. I prefer savory snacks but I must confess a love for green and blacks chocolate.

If I'm honest I am a little glad I didn't have to go out tonight, its felt like a long week so far and I'm working all weekend and not off until thursday now (which from my last day off of tuesday, seems like an eternity).

I have decided that next week I am not going to stay late at work any night. 6pm will be the latest I will stay, can someone remind me of this if it's looking like I am going to be foolish and try to do more?

I really must get more commenting etc done :(

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