
By mrophillips

I Think I've Got My Mojo Back! >Sky XVIII<

Well, my last four photos, I have uploaded around thirty minutes ago, and after a good session with my camera, I have actually uploaded and posted a photo just after taking it, the last time that happened was,... well ages ago.

Apart from that, really liking what i've got here, no powerlines like previously and no cathedral tower which I must be infamous for. Simply clouds and love of colour. Also I think I must be getting better as this image was done all in manual and not auto setting for once!

I think Im getting the passion for getting 'great' photos again, just like the day you get your first DSLR, you just want to keep taking pictures and gradually get better >>Tip there Greg<<. Im comfortable with my pictures again now so should hopefully be getting good ones, especially as I am embarking to America on Wednesday! Should be good.

This is getting long, also no annoying message saying Im back Blipping, fresh for once. Im repeating myself.



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