
By grounded

Ebay prep room!

He Rose!

Another lazy start before going to Church. Did a short interview slot during the service which was meant to culminate in someone else leading a prayer... well that was my brief! Great when I was asked would I like to pray... ARGHH! Managed it, phew!

Afterwards we headed off into town for an impromptu coffee which was very nice!

After getting home and grabbing some lunch, hubby tackled the garden while I got to work preparing chilli, bolognese and babootie for the freezer. Meals sorted for the next two weeks! While stuff was cooking I managed to load up 12 items to ebay, so once they are sold I can tidy this room! I've been hanging onto all the packaging until I had sold and parcelled several things!

Late afternoon, hubby and I hit the gym!

Got home and put my feet up with dinner and some wine! Well deserved!

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