
By wonderfulworld

A Family Day Out

My sister and her family arrived yesterday in their camper van for the weekend. We had a lovely meal (my brother in law give me a 5 out of 5!!). Had wine, watched a DVD and played scrabble.

My nephew turned out to be a bit of a whizz at the game even though it was his first time to play. Himself and myself stayed up until 3am testing our tired brains with the last 5 letters. We had to abandon it in the hope that the morning would bring some inspiration, but B had to stand down in the end. I'm a very mean Aunt for not letting him win, but he was a very worthy opponent and he is looking forward to beating me next time.

A well marinated venison had to go in the oven to slow cook overnight. We are all looking forward to it for dinner tomorrow.

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