Heads or tails

By headsortails

THE eye

The eye is watching over us...

Though it was sunny BEFORE I bought the ticket the view was wonderful!
Is it the way birds see London? People look so smal from there!!

So small but still we , as humans, created most of the setting which can be observed in this city..

Anyway natural or not I enjoyed this experience! Seeing things from a different angle can change a life! No, really, I mean it! When I looked at the city I realised where I really was and the whole purpose of my time in London seemed to reappear clearly! I just thought: "This is it, this is London! It's real, it happened so enjoy it now!"^^

I will enjoy it..I AM enjoying it!

Life is a journey and wherever you go, go with the smile because no matter the aim, the way you try to reach it is what count the most...

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