Windows 7. This is the road to hell.

Just when it was safe to go back into the water along comes Windows 7. I didn't like Windows Vista, I don't know why but nobody likes it, so I didn't either. I sent away for an upgrade from Windows Vista to Windows 7. It duly arrived and sat on the shelf, minding its own business, until I decided to install it. Thats when things started to go wrong. It didn't and wouldn't work, in fact it was a disaster. When George Bush said (not the original sayer of this I might add) if it is not broke don't fix it, he was right.

I then had to call on Rob to put it right. Rob actually knows about computers as distinct from most of us who think we know about them but don't. So a lazy bank holiday Monday was ruined for Rob. Don't blame me,  blame Windows 7.

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