Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Yep that's me

So like I've said before, I am trying to get used to my own image. The weather was anything but dismal today but a break in the rain gave me a quick opportunity to go outside.

I was taking shots of the bay, that were totally non-interesting due to gloomy, gray skies and gloomy, gray water. So I figured I'd try a few photos of myself.

I'm sure that bazillion's of passing cars thought I was a real dope out there with my camera at arms reach aimed at my own face.

I'm really trying to discover what kind of photographer I am and what makes me...well me. I know I'm all over the place with my photos, but it's because I am searching.

Over the last few weeks, I think I've settled on my top three favorite types of photography: outdoor/nature shots, macros and portraits.

The portraits are the most foreign to me of course, so I figured if I could please myself with a photo of myself, I might be on the right track.

Looks awesome in large by the way.

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