Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

Scratchin' an itch!

Not much happening around here today. Nice and relaxing. Enjoying spring break, with nowhere to have to be.

I made some soup. Made the kids take a bath. Got take a long nap! We took a walk around the neighborhood at 6:30 after dinner. They rode bikes and scooters and I walked! Worked out well! We stopped at "the kids'" house on the way. Our ex-neighbors who bought a house a few blocks away last year have three little ones who adore my kids.

Phil got home before 10 tonight. How many days until tax season is over???

We had lots of rain last night. Today was beautiful, everything looked like it got a good wash down! I'm hoping the end of the week has some sunny days in the 80's!

I back blipped the last two days! Yesterdays racoon is cool!

pictures for Faraway Gramma

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