Headless chicken kind of a day. Spent the morning waiting for the plumber organised with superb efficiency by the lovely man at our water pipe insurance company (yes, we have a special water pipe insurance after that nasty incident with the undetected leak and the jaw dropping "surely they've added a couple of unnecessary zeros?" water bill). They arrived, as seems to be the way here, a relaxed 25 minutes after the end of the slot they'd given me. I showed them how the water leaked when I turned the tap on in the water meter... and they patiently pointed out the other tap in the water meter. The bigger tap. The more important looking one. The one that actually turns the water on. The other (tiny, insignificant) tap is actually for purging the pipes in case you fear they might freeze. So, they told me, water coming from there is a very good thing indeed.
Happily the words for 'idiot' 'wasted your time' 'very very very sorry' 'my husband will laugh when he hears about this' are included in my limited vocabulary. In my defence, the proper tap was hidden behind a bit of ivy.
Anyway, all that left very little time to get to Girona airport to pick Mr B up. Managed that, but forgot about the enormous queue I had spotted going north across the border as I was on the way south. So also forgot to get off the motorway early and cross the border on the old road. So had about 90 minutes crawling up a long hill to wait for our chance to drive very slowly past 8 disinterested border guards (perhaps if they'd had more than one lane open on the holiday weekend it might have helped?). Still, that's the most clutch control training I've had in a long time.
Mr B snoozed in the garden after lunch so the kids and I headed down to the river. There were some fishermen about so the usual stone-skimming games were off, so I mucked about with some slow water shots (all rubbish) while the kids played relatively quiet non-fish-scaring games. Leaving my camera balanced on rocks seemed to amuse the fisherman standing on the cliff opposite no end, so I felt justified in some sneaky shots of him as we were leaving. Shooting from the hip is not something I've quite mastered yet, but here's most of him.
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