
By Cairistiona1

Fallen Flower.

So, they've called the election...

Wonder if DC is going to rue the day he adopted the term "the great unwashed ignored"... but then, he wouldn't be patronising us would he?

Also wonder if the lib dems, Vince Cable will live up to his superhero image. Sounds a bit like an escapee from the marvel universe. Suspect all the not so friendly banter will intensify over the next few weeks and we will undoubtedly get lies, more lies and damned lies too.

Never mind, more serious things going on here...

First the kittens were banished from their room after they were found sleeping on the server. Fearing that someone was likely to try and relieve themselves on the 4TB music collection, I thought a room change was the safest alternative. The jury will remain out on that one.

As for the kitchen carry on, well today the plumber that was to contact me has apparently gone on holiday for the week and the supplier of the dishwasher is sticking his proverbial heels in. Grrrr.

Anyway, miserable wet weather broke my first daffodil so that is what you get for a blip. Off to get a glass of wine and watch Crimson Tide. Pure escapism.

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