The Mole Cricket (Gryllotalpidae)

I blipped his ancestor almost a year ago! I must admit, this one is much more alive! The previous one was só slow and listless and died minutes after the 'photosession'. This one ran away all the time!!

Lillian and I had só much fun with it, I ran after it, on the kitchen floor and she used the feather duster to slow him down a bit! He can even fly, I never actually knew that! At one stage he landed up on her knee, under her long pants, you should've seen thát!! Hehehehe!! Then it crept out and ran up her leg, on her denims, and landed on her hand! Hey, we were hysterical!!

Read more about them here if you like. ;-)

The two R's wrote their 'Skipper's license' exams this afternoon, both passed and will get their licenses soon, it must first be sent to Cape Town and be registered with the International body! R snr had enough boating hours, his will be requested immediately, but R jnr only needs to get some more hours, which will happen quite fast now that we have our own boat, before his application can become official.

BIG is highly recommended!! ;-)

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