The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Slouch, is such a great word.

A gait or posture characterized by an ungainly stooping of the head and shoulders or excessive relaxation of body muscles.

One that is unimpressive; especially : a lazy or incompetent person ?used in negative constructions <was no slouch at cooking>

Finally had my Physiotherapy appointment today.
One very efficient and pleasant physio put me through my paces today.
My assessment of my back was correct,....... it is wrecked.

Apparently I have to use walking poles when out for a stroll, but her aim is for me to manage to go back to hill walking eventually. She also asked, "Do you have a wii fit? Or are you one of the 0.5% of the population that don't have one?"

I am afraid to say I am........0.5%, but that may have to change very shortly.

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