
By Pretsygal

If It Isn't One Thing...It's Another!!

I tell ya! If it isn't one's another around here!

Firstly, a few weeks back, I couldn't find my camera due to Marcus and his wonderful "hide-n-seek" skills. Now that I've finally found it, I think I've taken one or two blips when my Internet decides to peter out (which was Tuesday).

So I put in a call in to our local provider (they'll be here Friday between 9 and 5 so they said) and hope that I don't miss them (you know....the call that you've been waiting for since 9 o'clock a.m. and that finally comes at 3:15 p.m. when you're in the bathroom and can't get to the phone, and they figure you're not home so they go to the next call?) Could it get any better than this? Oh yes, I think it can:

So after calling our provider on Tuesday, I decide to take a load-off and sit down to the 6 o'clock news only to find out that the batteries on our cell phones are being recalled because of overheating while being charged. So at this point we have no internet, and can't recharge our cells until the batteries are replaced.

I tell the technology when it works, HATE IT when it doesn't.

I'm thinkin'....could this be a Room 101 assignment? Yes, oh yes, I think it can...

So we are finally back on-line and our phones are good-to-go, until the next time ;)

Take care all.......

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