
By redridergirl


Today I drove all by myself to a friend's house. Whilst topping a rise, I was presented with this magnificent view, and so promptly turned into the first road I came to so I could turn around. And drove down it for three miles looking for a suitable junction in which I could do a million point turn, because I don't like turning around in driveways. I admit entirely that it scares me a little, because I have an irrational fear of a scary man with a shotgun running out to get me. I then returned to the hill and went down the road there looking for another million point turn opportunity, which I did not find until mile eight.

Upon returning to the main road, I pulled over, leapt from the car, took two photos, and got back in because a strange looking man in a Jeep was getting his mail. I admit, I was a little scared.

All in all, an adventure of a drive, I think. But worth it.

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