Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Brotherly Love!

Lime and Jack haven't really hit it off yet! Despite having had Jack for 16 yrs and Lime for a few months, Lime is very possessive over me and doesn't like Jack to get any attention at all. We have to keep saying, 'Hang on - he's been around much longer than you'. Jack, bless him, is such an old softey and is always last in the pecking order - he can't be arsed bascially, unless there is food involved.

On the pic it looks like he's got a chunk of Jack but he didn't get him - they were just play squabbling! I love my boys!

Crappy car update - it;s something something flywheel has broken and I won't get it back till middle of next week! Luckily work has provided me with another pool car - got a big mini bus type thing (Ford S max). It's like driving a tank.

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