This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Dance with me

In the dark again, face and hands caught in the computer glow. You know what is singing out there in the darkness. I went to sleep early and stayed in bed all night. I slept 8 hours. The window was open but just a crack, because even though it is beautiful and very much spring it is currently 38 degrees, so quite chilly. I was looking forward to sleep, almost excited about it. I did a relaxation application on my ipod, all a part of trying to take better care of myself. I fell asleep immediately, the man's voice said he would follow me to wherever I drifted away, good enough for me. I don't like falling asleep with earphones in my ears, but it was a minor issue. I pulled them out eventually and stuffed them under my pillow. I dreamed of paintings, but only in a very vague sense. I can't remember the details.

Yesterday was good. I am trying to remember why, but I know it was. So many details I wanted to remember, for this here today. This is one issue of blipping in the morning, reporting on yesterday rather than today. Been trying to be Vegan again, and enjoy the cleaner taste of my food, still drinking tons of water, amazed at the difference in how that makes me feel. Seems many of my studio mates are currently trying to take better care of themselves, so that is helpful. I finally completed the painting (I am pretty sure) and made very good progress on one of the others. That was a relief and gave me a sense of hope.

It was fairly busy at the studio yesterday. I gave an artist an informal critique of his work, he just showed up with 5 paintings under his arm. I told him to never do that again, there is an etiquette to approaching a gallery. I didn't mind, but I just wanted him to know at most galleries that would be a strike against him, and I wanted to save him from that. 4 different styles in 5 paintings, I told him he needed to paint a lot more, but that he had a nice sense of color and composition. There was one painting that was stronger than the others, and I asked what had brought that on, and he said the film "Pollock." Pollock seems to have that affect on people. I have more to say about that, but I won't.

Then a nice couple came in and talked to me about my work, and seemed genuinely impressed, and the man said "I could fall in love with one of those" - pointing to my latest white series of paintings. I think he will be back. I was going to keep all the white paintings together as a body to show, before trying to sell them, but it seems people want them now, and I need the money. I guess these works are so new to me that they are still a bit precious, and I am not ready to see them go. This kind of thing never happens to me anymore. I think this is a good thing.

A class of students came into the gallery in the evening, and into my studio as well. I told them about my work and process. Some of the students had been to my studio, and seemed really excited to be in there again, and also loved the work. I spied one girl kneeling down to see what I was playing on my stereo. (this makes me happy)

Made vegan chili for dinner, went for a beautiful walk in the cool spring evening. I could feel my shoulders tensing up every time the chilled wind blew towards me. I smelled my first lilac of the season.

It was glorious...

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