From Across the Pond...

By transatlantic


He's taking the lead today because I actually don't know how to teach the material. It's a first, but anyone who knows how to operate SQL and databases knows you can't just sit down and figure it out on a whim. Thankfully, Sim has worked with databases before and knows the "queries" and "data labels" and how to teach them. These are the Grade 11s who started in the pilot program last year, made it through, and in all likelihood will make it through to the Grade 12 program as well. They are extremely sharp and motivated. Considering these are the same little guys I was teaching to double-click with a mouse a year ago, I'm overjoyed that they're getting into material this advanced.

do until eof
if rs("state") = "proud" then
rs("manager") = "Patrick"
end if

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