From the North

By Tawastian

I'm back... the business at last! About two weeks ago I left to Russia, then to the Northern Finland and then our broadband broke down. Over two weeks without blipping was a long way to go but now I have returned and backblipped a nice collection of photos.

This view is from the region I live in. It's called Mellilä and it's a little town in the middle of nowhere. The river is flooding so the spring is here at last.

And here are the backblippings:

March 20th: The Happy Animal League

March 21st: The pages go "flap flap flap"

March 22nd: Lemonade...

March 26th: Via Karelia

March 27th: Where the eastern roses bear to grow

March 28th: The ruined shed

March 29th: The capital

April 1st: Down the path

April 3rd: Snowmobiles and fire trucks

April 4th: I am the Exelist

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