Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Spring blooms II

Today was a desperately sad day, that is, til this afternoon.

I'll write more tomorrow, which is now today.

To relieve the sadness I went and shot 600 pictures of Callum in an hour, whilst he sat perched amongst those gorgeous flowers at the end of our street from Spring Blooms I. And these are my favourites.

To look at Callum's gorgeous face and beautiful innocence as he studied the flowers in little more than his Nature diaper was a source of great comfort as was the delight on his face as he played peek-a-boo over and over and over again.

I've been working on them all night after I got the boys bathed and to bed. I'm truly very proud of them, pushing myself technically with my camera and backlight and having some fun on editing after and that's a good feeling right now. Please let me know if you have a favourite. I just made a quick choice here. IMG_3994-13 I think is lovely cropped but I almost always crop with the lens rather than the pc and didn't want to break the mould.

Right, bed.

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