
By Instography

Winter leaves

Busy day working from home his morning and this afternoon was spent spent getting the camping and canoeing gear together to go to the Lake District for a week's break. Only a couple of days canoeing and camping with Ewan while Mandy and Ellen potter around the hotel. It'll be nice to paddle away from everything, light a wee fire and sit in peace.

No urban grime to photograph so I thought I'd kick off a week of pretty with the last of the leaves on the hedge. They're finally dropping off as the new growth comes through. Winter leaves and spring finally takes over.

Still, the good thing about working from home is that I get to make more bread. Today I tried a new recipe from Brother Juniper's Bread Book: Cajun Three Pepper Bread. Nice stuff. It's got garlic, black pepper, cayenne pepper, red pepper and tabasco in it.

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